Alternatives to Dental Implants

Alternatives to Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular choice for those looking to replace missing teeth. However, not everyone is a candidate for the implants, which can be expensive. If you are looking for an alternative to dental implants, several options are available. We will discuss some of the best options available.

Dental Bridges

Bridges are a popular option for those missing one or more teeth. A bridge is a dental restoration used to replace missing teeth. It is comprised of two crowns, placed on the teeth on either side of the gap, and a pontic, the replacement tooth. Bridges can be gold, porcelain, or metal.

The advantage of getting a bridge is that it can improve the appearance of your smile and keep your teeth from shifting out of position. They are durable and can last for many years. They are an affordable option for those missing one or more teeth.

On the contrary, though, the bridges can be challenging to clean and may accumulate plaque and tartar. They may cause discomfort or soreness in the gums. A bridge may not be suitable for those who have limited tooth space.

Overall, they are a safe, affordable, and effective way to replace missing teeth. However, it is essential to consult with your dentist to see if they are the right option for you.

Partial Dentures

The partial denture is an excellent option for people who have lost some teeth. This denture is made of replacement teeth attached to a plastic base, which fits over the gums. Partial dentures can be fixed or removable.

Getting partial dentures is a relatively simple process. The dentist will take an impression of your teeth and gums, and then the partial denture will fit your mouth. It is important to note that partial dentures may need to be adjusted periodically as your mouth changes over time.

There are many benefits to wearing partial dentures. First, they can help to restore your smile. If you have lost some teeth, wearing partial dentures can help fill in the gaps and make your smile look more natural. Partial dentures can also help to improve your speech and chewing abilities.

The advantage of using partial dentures is that they are less expensive than dental implants, and one can remove them quickly. Partial dentures can also improve the appearance of your smile. They are a good option for those who have some natural teeth remaining.

However, there are also some drawbacks to wearing partial dentures. First, they can be a bit uncomfortable in the beginning. You may need to wear them for a few weeks to get used to them. Second, they can be a bit difficult to clean. You will need to clean all the nooks and crannies of the denture to prevent bacteria from growing.

Finally, they can be expensive. Dentures typically cost several hundred dollars, so you will need to factor that into your decision-making process.

Full Mouth Dentures

When a person has lost all of their teeth, dentures are the only option for replacing them. Full mouth dentures replace all of the teeth in a person’s mouth. They can either be from plastic or acrylic, and they fit over the gums to create a natural-looking smile.

It usually takes about two weeks for the dentures to be ready. The patient will need to wear a temporary set of dentures during this time. Once the permanent dentures are ready, the patient will come back to the dentist’s office to have them fitted and checked for fit.

There are both pros and cons to wearing full-mouth dentures. On the plus side, dentures can give a person a more youthful appearance, and they are very affordable. They are also easy to care for and can last up to 10 years.

However, there are some downsides to full mouth dentures. They can be uncomfortable to wear at first, and it can take time to get used to them. They can also be challenging to speak with and eat food.

Overall, full mouth dentures are a good option for people who have lost all their teeth. They are affordable, easy to care for, and can last up to 10 years. However, they may take some time to get used to and can be uncomfortable to wear at first.


We have discussed the three alternatives to dental implants. All of these options have their advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to consult with your dentist to see which option is right for you.

At Mathews Smiles, we go above and beyond with your dental experience. We focus on restoring your smile to structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing. Visit us today to see how we can help you regain your confidence and improve your oral health.

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