If oral cancer is discovered and treated in its early stages, the recovery and survival rate is quite high. However, the death rate associated with oral cancer is high for the simple fact that it is often discovered late into its development. There is great reason and motivation to find it early. The good news is that oral cancer is easy to spot. While your dentist may not always mention it to you, he is trained to be on the lookout for oral cancer during every single examination.
The obvious step you can take is to be consistent with your semi-annual dental checkups. The cancer can be found and treated if the dentist is given the opportunity before the cancer develops. Matthews Smiles takes your oral health seriously, and we are committed to diagnosing it early. We encourage you to keep your appointments for checkups for this reason alone. If we spot any symptoms of oral cancer, we use Advanced VELscope technology to detect and confront this deadly condition. We will move forward with the proper treatment as quickly as possible.
Just remember that early detection will increase your odds of survival significantly. Don’t put off those important checkups just because you think that your oral health is in good condition.